Literacy Program
The Assessment - this important step and will lead to an effective path toward literacy. We use an evidence based screening tool to identify weaknesses in foundational skills needed for reading and help with success once a child enters a formal school.
If your child has already completed a psychoeducational evaluation with a professional psychologist, please submit those results for review prior to scheduling your child's first session. It is possible that the existing evaluation will suffice in place of a new assessment. You may email these or drop them off at our Vermont Street office.
1) Screening
If your child is pre-kindergarten, we do not require a professional evaluation but we do require a screening in our office prior to program enrollment. The screening is not to diagnose a learning difference; it is used to determine current skills and whether the program will be of genuine help to the applicant.
2. Instruction
Applicants are placed into a small group or recommended for 1-on-1 instruction. BLC offers a preschool group literacy program or 1-on-1 instruction for children ages 4-18.
So that we may organize groups and sessions properly, parents are asked to reserve their child's spot.
3. Times
The Bend Learning Center has reserved Fridays from 9-3 for their early literacy classes. Please call to reserve a time to be assessed or begin lessons.