Online tutoring for struggling readers and math students

Testing and skill development for reading remotely

The Bend Learning Center now offers online tutoring and assessments and classes for struggling readers. We brought evidence based reading instruction to Central Oregon 15 years ago for those with dyslexia. We are proud to be, again, the leader in online dyslexia interventions, and other online tutoring classes geared toward reading skills. Please contact us to learn more about our online tutoring classes so you can give your struggling reader what they need to become a passionate reader. We also know parents are looking for a math tutor near me. The Bend Learning Center is proud to bring just that.

Reading Tutoring

We specialize in working on foundational skills that bring students up to grade-level and beyond.  The online lessons offer those out of the area the opportunity to use Bend Learning Center's proven methods.  If you are from a community without any evidence-based literacy lessons, or if you have a student who is sick and must work remotely.  Lessons can be scheduled according to your needs.  The online lessons include all the elements that parents should be looking for in evidence-based literacy lessons.

Math Tutoring

Bend learning center now offers math tutoring for those struggling with fractions, decimals, and more! Call us today if your child needs a math tutor. Math at the Bend Learning Center begins with an assessment of math skills. If they have a gap in fractions, that will be addressed at the student's current level. If a sixth grader needs to go back to 4th grade fractions this is where the learning will begin. The lessons are visual, illustrative to give the student a real world understanding of math. 

Skill Development

Each lesson is framed with an ongoing assessment of skills.  This skill development is then designed into a lesson that builds the foundational skills necessary for further learning.  The online lesson includes interactive components which allow for higher engagement and productivity.  These lessons are effective for those with a dyslexia diagnosis as well as those who are simply struggling with reading sills.  The science of reading instruction has been well researched and perfected, but unfortunately isn't widely adopted.  Give your child the gift of reading skills through our scientifically supported approach.

We currently offer these online tutoring classes:

Literacy for Struggling Readers

This class concentrates on increasing fluency and improves spelling.

Math Tutoring

This class concentrates on visual learning along with building on hidden weaknesses in math skills.